Contact Amanda


RYC (Restore your Core) Movement Assessment

A private 1hr consultation starts with a full movement assessment (looking at your feet, walk/gait cycle, core, breath and pelvic floor).  Amanda will look at your current movement patterns with the aim to uncover movements the body is missing/lacking.  These missing movements can cause compensation patterns and shifts in the body. Clients are then given a specific set of exercises/correctives to restore these movements back into the body in order to improve functionality. This process is aimed to address issues related to core and/or pelvic floor, however due to its whole body approach and interconnectedness of the body other chronic issues related to mid/low/upper back, legs, hips and feet may also benefit.  You will also receive a follow up short video reviewing the specific set of exercises recommended for your body.

Amanda is certified in the Restore your Core method developed by Lauren Ohayon which is a specific movement protocol aimed to restore functionality back into the body. Contact Amanda via email [email protected] for booking. Limited spots available each week.

Note: prior to the session you will be instructed to submit a set of short movement videos in order to be more productive when we meet in person.  I will not share these videos with anyone else, they are only used to tailor the session to your needs.

What people are saying:

In the postpartum period of my fourth pregnancy, Amanda sensitively undertook an analysis of my movement patterns and tailored a unique series of exercises to help me address prolapse and pelvic weakness. Amanda was thoughtful, attentive, and well informed in her consultation. Her exercises have been assisting my recovery and I feel stronger, healthier and well supported knowing she is just a phone call away.” -Miranda Grant

I am so thankful I crossed paths with Amanda, just wish it happened earlier. I thought I had recovered from my two pregnancies and babies’ deliveries but started to regress about a year after my youngest was born. When I met with Amanda I felt like she saw my body mechanics and quirks better than I ever had and with zero judgement. I felt very comfortable as she identified potential sources of the issues I was and am dealing with. She has an uncanny ability to explain and help you isolate and identify parts of the body you didn’t know could be felt and then cue micro- movements you didn’t realize you could make. Even just three weeks after my assessment with her, I am breathing and walking more intentionally and differently and already feel less pressure in my body.  I am simply more aware of my body and how I move with it and can see why I have pains in certain areas. She not only coached me to correct movements that strained my body and strengthen weak spots, she also helped me self correct. Thank you Amanda!” -Erica Marcus-Raina

Amanda took time to understand how I stand, move and breathe and helped me to understand too. We worked on corrective exercises and she later sent videos so I can practice by myself. It’s great to have this new consciousness and it encourages me to try changing a few important things.” -Anne 

Amanda Breunig Awuor